Monday, December 3, 2012


before we begin a word from my the bottom of my hart:
MAMA WE HAVE TO MAKE A STONEHENGE OUT OF CINDER BLOCKS IN OUR BACK YARD REALLY REALLY REALLY SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm!!not!!joking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK now that we've got that out of the way we can get down to business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .

this week i learned about Stonehenge. (hence all of the above)
and Isaac Newton's laws of motion;
 1 an object in motion will remain in motion, unless another force acts upon it.(like say running in to a brick wall) and a object at bay will remain so unless another force acts upon it.(like a big mallet com'in owda nowhere and hit'in ya in the behind)
 2 (in my one words) it takes less gas to get an empty truck from point A to point B then it does to get a truck with a heard of elephants in it from point A to point B.
 3 for every action there's an equal and opposite reacton.(which is why when you fire a big gun like a rifle or a musket you get a back kick; it takes so much force to move the bullet that the gun is blown backwards, the resin the gun does not go back as far as the bullet goes forwards, is that the gun is bigger and therefore need more force to go as far. which leads us to law 2)

we also made Gingerbread houses. I helped my younger brother read Life of Fred, and read about Ancient China and the silk trade, and what there farming was like

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