Tuesday, December 18, 2012

POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINT-SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

This week I got PPPPooooiiiinnnnttttt-sssshhhhooooeeeessss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (hence all of the above) and I am ssssooo Excited about it I have been unable to think about anything else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we got these cool flash cards. there are 7 kinds Instrument cards, ones that have all the different kinds of blends like sh ch and wh, how to tell time cards, planet cards, Dinosaur cards, country flag cards, and state cards.

so you remember when we were super crazy about Les mis? well in the 25th Anniversary of Les Mis (which you can find on you-tube  the guy who plays Jean ValJean is named Alfie Boe and he is Such a good singer that we have become his "fans" so to speak. and we saw him preform with the Tab Choir and we got Tickets, and it wqas SSOO super Awsome!!!!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

the cool one

this week we Made a model of Stonehenge out of cinder blocks, 

saw the first act of the Nutcracker, which was preformed by Ballet West,

at Speech and Debate this week we finished our oratory tournament(I tided for 4th place, which I'm slightly upset about cus I feel I did not do my best, if I had I'm sure I could have got at least 2nd place)

 at Shakespeare we practiced the first two scenes of as you like it, and I'm in both which is preity awesome, cus I thought I was only gonna be in five scenes, and I only have lines in four scenes.  

we also went to a live Nativity that our cousins were in, which was super fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we also learned about the 50's 60's 70's and 80's, and watched some you tubes with songs from those times frames 


before we begin a word from my the bottom of my hart:
MAMA WE HAVE TO MAKE A STONEHENGE OUT OF CINDER BLOCKS IN OUR BACK YARD REALLY REALLY REALLY SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm!!not!!joking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK now that we've got that out of the way we can get down to business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .

this week i learned about Stonehenge. (hence all of the above)
and Isaac Newton's laws of motion;
 1 an object in motion will remain in motion, unless another force acts upon it.(like say running in to a brick wall) and a object at bay will remain so unless another force acts upon it.(like a big mallet com'in owda nowhere and hit'in ya in the behind)
 2 (in my one words) it takes less gas to get an empty truck from point A to point B then it does to get a truck with a heard of elephants in it from point A to point B.
 3 for every action there's an equal and opposite reacton.(which is why when you fire a big gun like a rifle or a musket you get a back kick; it takes so much force to move the bullet that the gun is blown backwards, the resin the gun does not go back as far as the bullet goes forwards, is that the gun is bigger and therefore need more force to go as far. which leads us to law 2)

we also made Gingerbread houses. I helped my younger brother read Life of Fred, and read about Ancient China and the silk trade, and what there farming was like

Saturday, November 10, 2012

the goryest of them all

this week at speech and debate the lesson was on getting your audience to trust you.
In Shakespeare we did auditions, I auditioned to be Adam, I was the only one how wanted to be Adam, Betainey did'n care who he was so she was so she was given Adams lines to audition with(and I really really really really really really really hope I got the part of Adam).
But we wont find out who got what part till next week!!!!!!!! and I cant wait much longer to find out!!!!

this week I also read Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone in less then three days!
Rite now I'm reading Kind Solomon's mines which is kinda gory, as in a 17-year-old gets ripped in half by an Elephant, they almost die of thrust and heat in a desert, then they almost die of hunger and cold on a mountain (in fact one of them does die), and are forced to witness the gory and unjust killing of so called "witches".

I also learned about how the Aztecs made sacrifices to there gods(which is pretty gory to).

the learning log

Hi sorry this learning log is a week late Friday and Saturday (especially Saturday) were really really busy.
last week at speech and debate Sam did not teach a lesion instead we spent the whole class getting ready for the tournament, so I spent that time getting my oratory speech perfected.
At Shakespeare we all got to wear our Halloween costumes, and the creepiest costume was London's he was dressed as a lady from a video game and he looked sssssooooo  scary sitting on the couch glaring at us in his wig through the veil he was wearing, it was ssoo realistic that I had a hard time recognizing him.
That week we learned about acting like your character, we also got to act out scenes of Shakespeare plays that were pretty crazy. this is the one that we did. I played Tamora

Rome's emperor, and nephew, break the parle;
These quarrels must be quietly debated.
The feast is ready, which the careful Titus
Hath ordain'd to an honourable end,
For peace, for love, for league, and good to Rome:
Please you, therefore, draw nigh, and take your places.

Marcus, we will.

Hautboys sound. The Company sit down at table

Enter TITUS dressed like a Cook, LAVINIA veiled, Young LUCIUS, and others. TITUS places the dishes on the table

Welcome, my gracious lord; welcome, dread queen;
Welcome, ye warlike Goths; welcome, Lucius;
And welcome, all: although the cheer be poor,
'Twill fill your stomachs; please you eat of it.

Why art thou thus attired, Andronicus?

Because I would be sure to have all well,
To entertain your highness and your empress.

We are beholding to you, good Andronicus.

An if your highness knew my heart, you were.
My lord the emperor, resolve me this:
Was it well done of rash Virginius
To slay his daughter with his own right hand,
Because she was enforced, stain'd, and deflower'd?

It was, Andronicus.

Your reason, mighty lord?

Because the girl should not survive her shame,
And by her presence still renew his sorrows.

A reason mighty, strong, and effectual;
A pattern, precedent, and lively warrant,
For me, most wretched, to perform the like.
Die, die, Lavinia, and thy shame with thee;


And, with thy shame, thy father's sorrow die!

What hast thou done, unnatural and unkind?

Kill'd her, for whom my tears have made me blind.
I am as woful as Virginius was,
And have a thousand times more cause than he
To do this outrage: and it now is done.

What, was she ravish'd? tell who did the deed.

Will't please you eat? will't please your
highness feed?

Why hast thou slain thine only daughter thus?

Not I; 'twas Chiron and Demetrius:
They ravish'd her, and cut away her tongue;
And they, 'twas they, that did her all this wrong.

Go fetch them hither to us presently.

Why, there they are both, baked in that pie;
Whereof their mother daintily hath fed,
Eating the flesh that she herself hath bred.
'Tis true, 'tis true; witness my knife's sharp point.


Die, frantic wretch, for this accursed deed!


Can the son's eye behold his father bleed?
There's meed for meed, death for a deadly deed!

Kills SATURNINUS. A great tumult. LUCIUS, MARCUS, and others go up into the balcony

You sad-faced men, people and sons of Rome,
By uproar sever'd, like a flight of fowl
Scatter'd by winds and high tempestuous gusts,
O, let me teach you how to knit again
This scatter'd corn into one mutual sheaf,
These broken limbs again into one body;
Lest Rome herself be bane unto herself,
And she whom mighty kingdoms court'sy to,
Like a forlorn and desperate castaway,
Do shameful execution on herself.
But if my frosty signs and chaps of age,
Grave witnesses of true experience,
Cannot induce you to attend my words,

in my opinion it was a pretty crazy seen. 

that Saturday was the tournament for speech and debate, I was in oratory, and had a lot a lot of fun.

this is my oratory speech;
Attention getting device
“A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it, or explore an explosive idea without fear it will go off in your face.  It is one of the few havens remaining where a man's mind can get both provocation and privacy.”
~Edward P. Morgan
“Books are the compasses and telescopes and sextants and charts which other men have prepared to help us navigate the dangerous seas of human life.”
~Jesse Lee Bennett
Thesis (ill)
In these modern times we face a great paradox: We have more access to the knowledge of the world than at any other time yet we as a nation are reading less on average now than at any other time in the history of America,
So consequently we have less familiarity with the knowledge of the world.(pause) If you think about it everything you learn is in one way or another linked to reading,(little pause) after all wouldn't you say that written language, is a discovery grater than  television, modern vehicles, the railway, or even the wheel.
Point 1 (cause) Their are two main causes of this problem.
Number one video games, and T.V. (little pause) we as a nation are playing more and more video games, and watching more and more T.V. shows, in fact according to the A.C. Nielsen Company, the average American watches more than four hours of television per day. If you do the math, that’s two full months per year!!! think of all that wasted time.(pause) Andrew Ross said; ‘The smallest bookstore still contains more ideas of worth than have been presented in the entire history of television.”  (large pause)
It used to be that we read books for entertainment, the  young children would read little books like “Magic Tree House,” or “The Grimm Fairy Tales,” than as they became older they read books like “Little House on the Prairie,” “Secret Garden,” and “Lord of the Rings,” so by the time they went to high school, or college and started reading, “To Kill a Mockingbird,” and
“Les Miserables”, they were ready because of all the reading they had when they were young. Their entertainment got them somewhere, but today our entertainment of video games and T.V. doesn't do anything for us but waste time.
Number two children are being forced to read in school, and when any one is forced to do something, after a while they lose their ability to do it on their own without being forced. Another thing that can happen is that they fight it tooth and nail their whole school life, and when they leave school and the force is taken away they just stop reading, this sort of thing happens so often that;  33% of high school graduates will never read a book after high school.
and 42% of college students will never read another book after they graduate,
Point 2 (significance) (slow down, it makes your speech longer) Because of this we spend less time reading,
Apparently, we spend so much less time reading that According to the “2003 National Assessment of Educational Progress (or N.A.E.P. for short), 37 percent of fourth graders and 26 percent of eighth graders cannot read at the basic level; and on the 2002 N.A.E.P. 26 percent of twelfth graders cannot read at the basic level. That is, when reading grade appropriate text these students cannot extract the general meaning or make obvious connections between the text and their own experiences or make simple inferences[in-fer-uhns,] from the text. In other words, they cannot understand
what they have read.” and, did you know that
“46% of American adults cannot understand the label on their prescription medicine”and
“50 percent of American adults are unable to read an eighth grade level book.” isn’t that shocking!?!? half of the adults in America can’t read books written for thirteen year olds!!! thats not all apparently, in “To Read or Not To Read, A Question of National Consequence” Research Report #47 by National Endowment for the Arts, it states;
“17-year-old average reading scores began a slow downward trend in 1992.”  it also says;
in 1992 the amount of 17 year olds Reading at or Above the Proficient Level was 40%,
however in 2005 the amount of 17 year olds Reading at or Above the Proficient Level was 35%, (big pause) with Rate of decline at 13%”
Point 3 (cure)  (not to fast) how do we get off this downward slope to an illiterate society?
four words; read to your children!. By reading to your children, you are showing them that reading is important, and planting the seeds that grow into a love of reading, and a love of reading is just about  the best tool anyone can have at any age, from about 6-9 it helps them develop reading skills that are essential to success in later life. From about 10-19 it helps them gain their own opinion on society, and the way we live, and what things can be done to help us improve ourselves. and from about 20-88, it helps them gain knowledge and learn new things, even after they stop going to school. And when they have children of their own, they will read to them because they love reading, which will help their kids have a love of reading, and so the cycle will continue, till our nation begins reading again.
We also need to read ourselves, even if it’s just 15 minutes a day. Helping this nation get back on it’s feet, as far as reading goes will take everyone working at it, and you are part of everyone.  
In conclusion, I’d like to do just one more quote by Elbert Hubbard.
“This will never be a civilized country until we expend more money for books than we do for chewing gum.”(big pause) Our nation is on a steep downward slope as far as reading goes, and to fix this we need to read to our children, and to help them develop a love of reading, so they will help their kids do the same. We also need to watch less T.V.and read more books ourselves.  After all;
“A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.”  ~Chinese Proverb

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Learning Log #600,000

This week I learned how to Sew a cape, about Sewing lace, Spray Painting, Painting, and Using duct tape.

in "Physics lesson one" we learned  about Galileo and his Experiments with motion and how he experimented with a pendulum. And if two pendulums have the same length of string no matter how long each swing from left to right is it will take the same amount of time.   He also experimented with falling objects. But since things fall to fast he used a ramp and rolled balls down a ramp.  And he proved Archimedes long believed theory wrong. Which is that an object will fall faster if it weighs more and fall slower if it weight less.  But actually (I learned about this in the genius files) an object will fall until it reaches its "terminal velocity".  And then it will stay at that speed and not get any more speed.  And if an object is wide and flat it has a lower terminal velocity then an object that is shaped like a ball or a cube.  

Last week in speech and debate we had a really interesting class. First he lectured us about how we are all murders 'caus we all agreed to this statement "not saving a life is the same as taking one."   And then he started rambling on about how we should stop buying expensive stuff and buy the cheaper stuff because then we could put more money to charity.  And then later on in the class he tells us we are nobodies.  And that no one is going to want to listen to us and what we have to say and what our opinion is.  Without facts to back it up because we don't know anything about anything.  So at the end of speech of debate we were all taking about how "I feel so depressed because I'm a murder and a nobody," in whiny voices, it was really funny.

And I am really excited because soon we are going to have auditions of who we are going to be in as you like it (which is the play we are doing this year).  And I really want to be Adam who is the old guy that warns Orlando of Oliver's (who is his brother) evil plan to set his house on fire while he is sleeping.  

Nature walkMovie on Mt Nemrud

Friday, October 26, 2012

what I learned lest week

the Ancient Sumerian's built all their buildings out of mud bricks, Sumerian Scribes wrote in cuneiform (which was not as complicated hieroglyphics but was still pretty complicated).

Ancient Sumerian Trade revolved around the the Tigress and Euphrates rivers, whenever they wanted to travel south they would build a little boat that was shaped like a bowl,(I can't remember what it was called) and float down the river, but  when they needed to go north, east, or west it was a totally different story they had to walk in thief infested deserts (as a result nobody traveled east, or west and only traveled north when they absolutely had to).

   I also learned about; Hunter Gatherers vs Farmers, Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, Mount Nemrut, The very earliest maps, Drawing Mesopotamia, Sargon, Hammurabi, Ashurbanipal, and Gilgamesh ,Even and Odd numbers, Counting up to ten, Doubling, Review of Epic of Gilgamesh, Ancient Lyre Music 

Monday, October 15, 2012

We Lost a Learning Log

At some point in time I learned about; Cleopatra(who was pretty strange if you think about it), Pocahontas(the Disney movie is not that historically correct), Dolphins, the french revolution, Cats, Dogs, Animal Kingdoms, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, the titanic(which I think is pretty cool), ocean,
Six kingdoms, fish, Inuit's, and Black Holes(which are super cool).

Sumerians first for many things including the wheel.

And there's this one documentary I watched about the television, (who invented it, when there became a market for them, stuff like that) and apparently the first ever program shown on TV was a show that happened in the middle of winter.  And the lights that were required in order for the cameras to capture anything were so hot that the very first commercial which was of a couple of fish swimming in a fish bowl in front of a car, the fish died because their water boiled in like five minuets.  The actors had to wear winter clothes.  And it was so hot that the fake snow they were using kind of melted and stuck to the actors.

Mama and Papa found this one guy on KSL, and we nicknamed him the computer guy, they ordered a very special computer from him, it was like a mega computer, as strong as five computers.  They chopped the big computer into lots of little pieces, and made lots of little virtual machines, and each of the kids have a little virtual machine.  I have learned how to download things and how to deal with files and stuff like that.

Hugs and I have decided to write a book about a family that goes into a black hole.  And we decided that they go into a black hole and come out a White hole like a straw.  And it took a while to develop that theory. It took at least thirty minuets of Hugs and I talking and thinking our hardest.

There is this one park that we went to. And when we were driving there, looking for a place to park, there were so many Canadian geese that they were all over the road and running every which a way. And they stayed there and mama had to honk at them in order to get them to move, because knew we would not run them over because they had allot of experience with cars driving by, which is really funny.

Is this funny?

This week I learned how to change the background on my computer. how to multiply fractions, the difference between tons, pounds, ounces, cups, gallons, feet, inches, yards, and miles.
I also learned about cuneiform writing, how to give the dogs a bath, that the Mesopotamians built all there buildings out of mud bricks, and that trading back then was very dangerous.
As well as what a noble gas is, about the periodic table of elements, that iodine deficiency causes goiter, that neon lights are really made with neon, helium is named after the Greek sun god Helios, and that chlorine was used in the first world war as a poison gas, interestingly about the same number of soldiers died regardless of who released the gas.
For 3D modeling I learned how to put a hat on Suzanne.(and that if you push the Z key it makes her turn into only lines) 
At speech and debate I learned how to use a timer.
At Shakespeare I learned how to tell story's with our body's.
you know back when people were writing on cave walls, they worshiped women (or somthin like that) which in my opinion is really weird and kinda creepy.
And I learned about Gilgamesh

Saturday, October 6, 2012

my learning log number . . . . .uuummmm. . . . . . I forget

This week I learned about the X axis, and the Y axis on ALEKS which is my math program.
In Shakespeare I learned about the words juxtaposition, and Irony, I also about expressing emotion while acting.
in Speech and Debate I learned about what it’s going to be like at tournament (which is a speech and debate thing).
And some random things I learned about this week were; about digital computers, about the seven wonders of the ancient world, zipping and unzipping files, the difference between a credit union, and a bank, that 4x+3x=7x, that this is the not equal sign;Not Equal, why people in Europe drive on the wrong side of the rode, that when an archaeologist finds a coin(gold or any other materiel) it is not necessarily as valuable as a piece of poetry, and that paying attention is very important, especially during general conference, that according to this one reporter guy(I do not know his name) "Florence Nightingale could very well be the greatest woman to walk the earth sens Joan of arc". and about this crazy lady, and this crazy guy who were in love, as well as brother and sister, but got married any way, there names were Mausolus, and Artemisia.
and that the shortest verse in the book of Mormon is probably 1Nephi 2:15;
"And my father dwelt in a tent"
And our friends told us about these videos on you tube.(there called "kid history", and some of these videos are so weird you may need to watch them two or three times) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80entLldZOg

Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Learning Log

This week I learned how write a five minuet speech, that Jacques is pronounced jock, (and that Shakespeare wrote his plays to do more than just entertain people, he also wrote them to get his point across, and to make his audiences think). About the names of muscles, how to tell which direction were going without a compass, that the east mountains are bigger than the west mountains. I learned in ballet doing certain bar combinations really fast some times is good for your brain. And that Poly Pockets don't last for ever (theirs a funny story behind that discovery, but I cant write it here cus then this would not be a learning log)
 . . . . umm . . . oh yes and how to simplify fractions.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Learning Log 2

last week I learned all the songs in Les Mis, in ballet we learned how to do a Sawngema, Awsemblay, Podebroe, and Grandjety,  (I don't know how to spell them, cus there french).  I played three characters in a Les Mis play we put on at the church, they were the Bishop, Madam Thenardier, and Eponine. I also learned quite a few singing tips! I learned how to use the spell checker thing. I cant remember any thing else.

(She also went to speech and debate where they talked about writing a five minuet speech in two minuets.  She practiced quick speech writing.  She also went to Shakespeare  where they discussed act 1 of  As You Like it.  She has read the whole play for As You Like It.  In Shakespeare they play games that helps the children learn how to act.)

English - Grammar Worksheets,  Discovery Streaming Grammar
Science - Nature Walk, Dinosaur Worksheets, Fossil Footprints
Technology - Learned how to use New Computers and Virtual Machines, Customizing Windows Profiles
P.E. - Ballet
Literature - Memorized and performed Les Mis in a play.  Act 1 of As you Like it discussion.  Read all of As You Like it.  
Life Skills - Learned writing a five minuet speech in two minuets, practiced this skill until speed increased.    Played games to learn more about social interactions and acting.

Friday, September 7, 2012

what I learned this weak

I learned how to give a quick speech, how to build a bridge, how to grill hamburgers, about newton's laws of motion,how to spell Hammock,that mion, mome are argot for child, that orgue is argot for man, that widow is argot for rope(argot was the language of the thieves of Paris in the 1830es), and that speaking in public is not so scary.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

I'm having a bit of writers block any suggestions?